At Your Smart Money Moves, we get questions that we get from clients, through the website, or others that I see on the internet. Here is a great one I recently came across around student loans. Q: I have about $40,000 saved up with an additional $6,000 in liquid assets that I am using as my emergency fund. I’m attending graduate school, which will cost me about $50,000 by the time it’s over. I will be working full time for the years of graduate school, so I believe that I will be able to save the extra $10,000 by the time I need to pay for it. Should I pay the tuition out of pocket, or take out a low interest student loan at 5%? I may be wanting to put a down payment on a house in the next five years, but I don’t want to begin accruing interest on student loans that I don’t necessarily have to incur. A: You can always kid yourself that there will be...